Discover the fascinating world of urban biodiversity: Join the VHS online lecture series “Biologische Vielfalt im Siedlungraum” in Autumn 2023!
Six experts will shed light on the crucial significance of biodiversity in urban areas. As species extinction and climate change redefine the green landscapes of settled regions, the importance of preserving biodiversity in our gardens and allotments becomes ever more vital.
Our presentations will unveil the astonishingly diverse ecosystems thriving in the smallest of spaces, acting as vital stepping stones for insects and other animals. Learn how you too can contribute to creating these essential habitats, fostering a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.
Insects, often overlooked but of utmost importance, play a pivotal role in pollinating our food crops. Moreover, they serve as a vital food source for a plethora of other creatures, including amphibians, reptiles, birds, bats, and mammals.
Join us for the lectures and discover how each one of us can actively participate in nurturing urban biodiversity.
11 October 2023, 6 pm
Urbane Artenvielfalt fördern: Blühende Lebensräume, Insektenhäuser und auf Krautschau gehen (Alexandra-Maria Klein)
18 October 2023, 6 pm
Biologische Vielfalt im Siedlungsbereich fördern
(Sebastian Schmauck)
25 October 2023, 6 pm
Gebäudebegrünungen – Potenziale für Biodiversität und anderes
(Nicole Pfoser)
08 November 2023, 6 pm
Urbane Waldgärten als langfristige, multifunktionale Form des Urban Gardening
(Jennifer Schulz)
22 November 2023, 6 pm
Lichtverschmutzung: Ursache, Auswirkungen auf Flora und Fauna und Lösungsmöglichkeiten
(Andreas Jechow)
06 December 2023, 6 pm
Straßenbegleitgrün und sein unterschätztes Potenzial
(Björn Losekamm)