My main interests are to teach basic concepts, theories and methods in ecology specifically landscape ecology and management, plant-insect interactions including evolutionary and applied aspects, pollination ecology, and species identification of plants and bees. All my teaching courses follow a philosophy of combined classical and novel teaching methods. In particular, my classes start with (1) classical lectures from textbooks, supplemented by current research results or political activities related to the taught topic, followed by (2) practical or seminar parts and (3) discussions with evaluation feedback rounds.
Since 2015 I am leading the B.Sc. program of Environmental Natural Sciences at the University of Freiburg. Since 2016 I am a coordinator of the elective track “Land use and Nature Conservation” of the M.Sc. program of Environmental Sciences and of the of the minor subject “Nature Conservation and Landscape Management” of the B.Sc. program of Environmental Natural Sciences at the University of Freiburg.
Current Courses
Landscape Ecology (in German, B.Sc.), since 2022
Identification of native plants and insects (in German, B.Sc.), since 2022
Lead and teaching participating with lectures in the following courses: Landscape management, urban ecology, environmental education and communication, ecosystem services, species determination (in English and German; B.Sc., M.Sc.), since 2013
Conservation and society, lectures, seminars, excursions (in German, B.Sc.), since 2014
Field ecology, lectures and practical courses (in German and English, M.Sc.), since 2014
Ornithology and wildlife conservation, lectures and practical courses (in German, B.Sc.), since 2014
Concepts in conservation biology, lectures and seminars (in German, B.Sc.), since 2013
Freshwater ecology, lectures and practical courses (in German, M.Sc.), since 2013
For detailed descriptions of my current courses visit
Past Courses
Concomitant seminar of the lecture series “Studium Generale Biodiversität” with Carola Pekrun (in German, B.Sc.), 2021-2022
Pennsylvania State University/ Freiburg University: virtual classroom on Integrated Pest and Pollination Management with Christina Grozinger, Natalie Boyle, Andrew Straw (in English, M.Sc.), 2020-2021
Ecosystems, functions and services, lecture and seminar (in English, B.Sc.), 2011-2012
Energy problems and food security – aspects of natural sciences, lecture and practical course (in German, M.Sc.), 2010-2012
Introduction to ecology seminar (in German, B.Sc.), 2011-2012
Plant and animal determination courses (in German, M.Sc.), 2011-2012
Methods in sustainability sciences lecture (in English, B.Sc.), 2010-2012
Introduction to sustainability sciences, lecture (in English, B.Sc.), 2010-2011
Human biology, practical course (in German, B.Sc.), 2010-2012
Molecular aspects in biology, lecture and practical course (in German, B.Sc.), 2010
InWent – course about managing agrobiodiversity and ecological services (in English, M.Sc./ PhD), 2007
Theoretical and practical course in biodiversity experimental design for the degree in Master of Biodiversity (in German, M.Sc.), 2007
Hymenoptera course – determination, biology, and ecology with main emphasize on parasitic hymenoptera (in German, M.Sc.), 2006
Seminar in scientific writing and presentations – poster, talks, papers (in English, PhD), 2006
Lectures in agroecology and conservation (in German, M.Sc.), 2004-2010
Seminar about ecology in agricultural landscapes (in German, M.Sc.), 2002-2010
Seminar and practical course about honey bees, bumble bees, semi-social and solitary bees; bee keeping, bee hotels and bumble bee rearing, pollen analyses, determination (in German, M.Sc.), 2005-2010
Practical course in conservation of cultural landscapes (includes water quality evaluations e.g. saprobic index, trapping of insects) (in German, Diploma, M.Sc.), 2002-2010
Seminars, practical courses and excursions in botany (plant determination, morphology, ecology) and microbiology (in German, Diploma in biology), 1995-2000