Current Research Projects
AGRI4POL – Promoting sustainable agriculture for pollinators (EU)
VALOR – VALues and dependence of society on pollinatORs (EU)
Pan-European assessment, monitoring and mitigation of chemical stressors on the health of wild pollinators “WildPosh” (EU)
Pan-European project “RestPoll” Restoring pollinator habitats across European Agricultural landscapes based on multi-actor participatory approaches (EU Horizon)
Enhancing biodiversity through restoration of golf courses as part of the national strategy for biological diversity (BfN)
Research Unit FOR 5281 “MultiTroph” Multi-trophic interactions in a biodiversity experiment in China (DFG)
Ground-nesting wild bees in flower strips and the influence of ploughing on ground-nesting bee nests (Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy Baden-Württemberg)
Development of an integrative GIS-based sustainability analysis tool “NBiomasseBW” (Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg)
Integration of habitat structures in agricultural areas to promote plant-pollinator interactions “INTEGRA“ (BMEL)
Faktencheck Artenvielfalt (fact-checking biodiversity) (BMBF)
Research training group Conservation of Forest Biodiversity in Multiple-use landscapes of Central Europe “ConFoBi”, Subproject: Plant-insect interactions (DFG)
Finalised Research Projects
- Pan-European assessment, monitoring, and mitigation of stressors on the health of bees “PoshBee”. WP7: Effects of chemicals and their interactions with other stressors on bees tested in semi-field and field experiments (EU), 2018-2023
- ERA-NET Biodiversa project Nutrition as a critical link between Biodiversity and Bee Health “NutriB2” EU (SP Lead: Klein, A.M. for stakeholder involvement and dissemination), 2020-2023
- Monitoring of insects and their functions in a network of school gardens. Uni Freiburg in collaboration with the UWC Robert Bosch College. Robert-Bosch Foundation (PI A.M. Klein), 2018-2022
- Potential analysis for the use of synergy effects between environment and economy for efficient biomass production for the bioeconomy of Baden-Württemberg. Subproject „Biodiversity“. Ministry for Agriculture, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg, (PI Klein, A.M.), 2020-2021
- Book – data collection, photos for a book on pollination of crops in Germany. Naturschutzfond Baden-Württemberg. (PI Klein, A.M.), 2019-2021
- Managing orchard hedgerows for pollinating insects in apple orchards. BayerCrop Science. (PI Klein, A.M.), 2017-2021
- Crop pollination guide of Brazil. Syngenta. (PI Klein, A.M.), 2017-2019
- Research group with the subproject Consumer community structure and stability of the DFG research group “Jena Experiment”, DFG (PIs J. Hines, A. Ebeling, A.M. Klein, S. Scheu, W.W. Weisser), 2016-2018
- Research group with the subproject Context-dependence of biodiversity effects and real-world perspective of the DFG research group “Jena Experiment”, DFG (PIs Fischer, M., Weisser W.W., Buchmann, N., Eisenhauer, N., Hillebrand, H., Klein, A.M, Tscharntke, T.), 2016-2018
- CostAction: Sustainable Pollination in Europe: joint research on bees and other pollinators “SUPER-B” EU (Klein, A.M.Proposal participant, MC member, WG member, Workpackage lead on pollination services delivery), 2016-2019
- Knowledge dialogue Black Forest Living LAB: Subproject restoration. Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of Baden-Württemberg (PIs Bauhus, J. , Klein A.M), 2015-2018
- ERA-NET Biodiversa project “Managing ecosystem services for fruit production in different European climates “EcoFruit”; funding for Germany are from DLR/Bmbf (PI and Coordinator Klein, A.M.), 2015-2018
- Global evaluation of bee attractiveness and apicultural relevance of agricultural crops. Bayer Crop Science (PI Klein, A.M.), 2017-2018
- Research group “BEF-China” Subproject Multi-trophic plant-insect interactions. DFG (PI Klein A.M.), 2014-2017
- Research group “The Jena Experiment” Subproject Aboveground plant-insect interaction webs and associated processes along a plant diversity gradient. DFG (PIs Klein, A.M., Scherber, C.), 2013-2016
- Ecological valuation of crop pollination in traditional Indonesian homegardens. DFG (PIs Klein, A.M., Tscharntke, T.), 2012-2015
- Global evaluation of bee attractiveness and apicultural relevance of agricultural crops. BayerCrop Science (PI Klein, A.M.), 2012-2015
- Research group “BEF-China” Subproject Aboveground multi-trophic plant-insect interactions in a Chinese subtropical forest. DFG (PIs Klein, A.M., Blüthgen, N.), 2011-2014
- Leuphana research platform on sustainable biofuel production. EU (PIs Schaltegger, S., Klein, A.M.), 2011-2014
- Research group “Jena Experiment” Subproject Plant-insect interactions, flower traits, and pollination along an experimental plant diversity gradient. DFG (PI Klein, A.M., Scherber, C.), 2010-2013
- Community-mediated mechanisms to stabilize pollination of agricultural production highly dependent on shrinking honey bee populations under global change. DFG (PI Klein, A.M.), 2009-1013
- Biodiversity and its role in the ecosystem services and dis-services concept in agricultural landscapes in Israel. Ministry of Science and Culture in Lower Saxony (PIs Klein, A.M., Mandelik, Y.), 2009-2012
- Biodiversity Exploratories Subproject Multi-trophic interactions of butterflies along a gradient of management intensity in grasslands and forest “BATMAN”. DFG (PIs Klein, A.M., Krauss, J.), 2008-2012
More project descriptions financed by scholarships and seed money available at