I am pleased and excited about the launch of two new Horizon Europe projects in January 2025. The projects AGRI4POL and VALOR deal with the restoration and value of pollinator diversity and pollination services and are closely linked to our RestPoll project, which already started in 2023.
AGRI4POL – Promoting sustainable agriculture for pollinators
The decline of pollinators and pollination services that support agriculture and benefit people is a global problem. The aim of AGRI4POL is to support the transformation of agriculture from a burden on pollinators to a positive force for the restoration of pollinator diversity and pollination services.
The project is coordinated by Adam Vanbergen from INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment), who will carry out the project together with his 22 partners from 14 countries.
The team from the Chair of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology will lead Work Package 1 “Multi-actor co-design of research and enduser options for promoting pollinator-friendly farming”.
VALOR – VALues and dependence of society on pollinatORs
As pollinators play an important role for many plants and the animals that depend on them, their decline can have a major impact on nature and our livelihoods. The VALOR project aims to better understand how much society and the economy depend on pollinators and is researching the potential consequences of their decline. In addition, tools are being developed to actively involve various stakeholders in the protection and conservation of pollinators and their habitats.
The project is coordinated by Tom Breeze from the University of Reading and is being carried out by a total of 13 partners.
The team from the Chair of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology is leading Work Package 2 “Synthesizing knowledge on the role and status of pollination services”.