Member of the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften (since 2022)
Member of the board of trustees of the German Federal Environment Foundation, DBU (since 2022)
Member of the expert group to write a political statement on reversing biodiversity loss by the Science Academies of the Group of Seven (G7) (2020-2021)
Chairwoman of the federal contest “Insect-friendly agricultural landscapes” in the federal action programme “Insect protection”, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, BMEL (2020-2021)
Member of the expert group “invertebrate pollinators” for the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture for the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, FAO Rome (since 2020)
Member of the advisory board of the BMBF monitoring project “Diversity of Insects in Nature protected Areas – DINA” (since 2020)
Member of the advisory guideline board “Biodiversität – Schulungen für Freilanderhebungen von Wildbienen”, VDI-Gesellschaft Technologies of Life Sciences (2020-2022)
Member of the advisory board of the BMBF research initiative “Erhalt Artenvielfalt” (FEdA) (since 2019)
Evaluation Panel Division Biology and Medicine of the Swiss National Science Foundation (since 2019)
Advisory council federal state government of Baden-Württemberg for sustainable development (2019-2021)
Member of the advisory council for Nature and Environmental Protection of the Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg (since 2018)
Member of the Foundation „Naturschutzfond“ of the Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg (since 2018)
Member of the board of trustees of the Robert-Bosch College, UWC, Germany (since 2018)
Speaker together with Prof. Dr. Katrin Böhning-Gäse and Prof. Wolfgang Wägele of the working group „Biodiversity in Agricultural landscapes“ of the academies of sciences (2018-2020)
Member of the concomitant committee of the Sonderprogramm zur Stärkung der biologischen Vielfalt, Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg (since 2018)
Member of the permanent DFG Senate Commission on genetic research (since 2018)
Member of the DFG Senate Commission on Fundamental Issues of Biological Diversity (since 2017)
Member of the working team Nature Conservation of the Ecological Society of Germany (GfÖ) and Conservation organizations (since 2016)
Vice president of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ) (since 2015)
Member of the DFG Senate Commission on Agroecosystem Research (2015-2018)
Mentor in the mentoring program of the University of Bayreuth (2015-2018)
Nominated member and leading author of the IPBES expert group to assess pollinator decline, pollination and food production (2014-2017)
Nominated member of the EASAC expert group on “Ecosystem services, agriculture and neonicotinoids” nominated by the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (2014-2016)
Selected member of the Management Committee of an EU COST Action FA1307: SUPER-B: Sustainable Pollination in Europe: joint Research on bees and other pollinators (2014-2018)
Deputy member of the expert committee for Nature Conservation, Ministry of Rural Affairs, Food and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg (2014-2018)
Selected member of the DFG advisory board for the field “Ecology of agricultural landscapes” (Ökologie von Agrarlandschaften) (2011-2020)
Editorial board member: Apidologie (since 2016), Agriculture and Forest Entomology (since 2012), Journal of Pollination Ecology (since 2012), Biotropica (2009-2016), ad-hoc editor for Conservation Biology, Ecography
Participate discussions in the German and US television and radio about pollination, honey bee biology and ecology, food security and Colony Collapse Disorder, Insect decline (since 2006)