The German Research Foundation (DFG) has made a film to raise awareness about biases in review processes and asked me to participate in this project. I am very excited that the movie is now online:
The German Research Foundation (DFG) is one of the most important funding agencies in Germany. The decision on funding is based on the principle of competition. All proposals received undergo a multi-stage procedure that strictly separates review, evaluation and decision.
To the DFG, it is important that nobody is disadvantaged in their scientific career because of factors like gender, origin, age or state of health. It is therefore committed to raising awareness of (unconscious) biases in the decision-making process on funding applications.
This film is a contribution to raising awareness about biases in the decision-making and review process. How can review, evaluation and decision-making be as fair and open as possible? In the film, reviewers report on what they consider to be good reviews, and they point out ways to avoid biases.