We are hiring a postdoc, a PhD student and a project coordinator for our new transdisciplinary EU project RestPoll – Restoring Pollinator habitats across European agricultural landscapes based on multi-actor participatory approaches. The project’s goal is to substantially and permanently restore more habitats and enhance connectivity of wild pollinator habitats in Europe by strengthening society-wide capability to reverse wild pollinator decline and stabilise pollination services and their societal benefits.
The PhD candidate will survey pollinators and pollination services, compile and analyse large
data sets and will also contribute to the establishment of living labs in which restoration measures are co-designed with stakeholders and the project’s outreach activities. The starting date is 01.12.2023.
The postdoc will survey pollinators and pollination services, compile and analyse large data sets and will also establish living labs in which restoration measures are co-designed with stakeholders and the project’s outreach activities. The successful candidate will contribute to field work protocols and outreach activities, conduct interviews with farmers and consumers and support the project coordinator with the organization of project workshops. The starting date is 01.10.2023.
The project coordinator will support all administrative tasks such as reporting and networking but will
also support fieldwork, organize workshops and annual project meetings. The successful candidate will also oversee the finances of the overall project and the University of Freiburg and support the project’s outreach and data management activities.
The application submission deadline for all three positions is 01.07.2023.
Further information: https://www.nature.uni-freiburg.de/Open%20Pos/Open%20Pos?set_language=en